Brad and I flew into Texas for spring break. We wanted to check out Baylor Univ., look at the hospitals in the area and do some house hunting. Our trip was quick but we accomplished so much. We both loved Baylor Univ, we had the opportunity to sit in on a class. We were both impressed with professor Bates, (I think that was his name). The following day I had a job interview and I got the job! After the job interview we met with Cathy our real estate agent who we had been communicating with for the last few month. We spent the WHOLE day looking at houses. It seemed like FOREVER. Towards the end I was starting to confuse some of houses features with other houses. The following day I had another interview with Hillcrest hospital.... I GOT THE JOB! We finished looking at some more houses and we found a house we wanted to call HOME! It was beautiful with 3 rooms, 2 full bathrooms. We found out the house already had 2 offers on it, I was SO nervous. We put in a strong offer and played the waiting game. Just before before getting on our flight home we got a phone call from Cathy saying, "CONGRATULATIONS". We have signed papers and hoping to close April 30th. I start my job in 2 weeks, which is good and bad. Brad and I will have to live apart for a month. WHICH KILLS ME. Brad will come on the weekends to visit and hopefully it will go by fast. I have to be there early so I can have a pay stub for 15days to prove we have the money to buy a house. As much as I am excited for the challenge of a new job, Im also extremely sad to be leaving my current job. I work with some of the best people. Everyone is so helpful and fun to work with, we are always laughing and just getting through each day together. I would recommend working at Logan Regional to anyone!

That is so exciting! Congratulations!
1- Moriah good post.. I have wanted an update on your life
2- congrats on the house and job... I am so happy for you guys! What a new adventure
3- I really miss talking to you and seeing you
4- I totally agree with your Logan regional shout out
Moriah :) That's so exiting that your buying a house and moving to a whole new state! Congrats ! Jael
Congrats. We are sure going to miss you at LRH though, keep in touch and hopefully I will see you before you leave!
Congratulations Moriah! That is one BEAUTIFUL house! And awesome Job! And you are gonna have such a cute baby! Yay!
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